The Latest Needle Based Coravin Model

Product information

Coravin Model 3 Wine Preserver

Original price was: $380.Current price is: $360.

Min 1 — $360.00
Discount Capsules! If you drink a lot of expensive wine bottled under cork, but, only want a glass a night this might just be for you!


When you taste 400 wines in a week there’s just no way you’ll drink them all before they go off! After testing it on now hundreds of wines, white and red, I can say it works!

The SmartClamps™ are the major upgrade here.

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Why is this Wine so Yummy?

I taste a vast number of wines for Wine Decoded, we always taste multiple wines in one session. Check out our Wine Bites Mag article Taste! Taste! Taste! Always Tasting! for the details.

Many wines, particularly the expensive ones are bottled under cork. I was looking for a way to preserve the Tsunami of wine under cork I was tasting to allow me to re-taste or share them later.

The very kind Olivia saved me! She lent me her treasured Coravin, under pain of castration should I not return it in one piece. Yes, I do now own one, and, have two kids!

We regularly use it to open multiple wines at a time just for curiosity. Tasting wine in some sort of Context & with Contrast helps you get your head around what’s going on.

Capsule Life

Each Coravin Capsule will allow you to pour up to fifteen 150ml glasses of wine.


One year limited warranty.

In the Box

Coravin Model 3 (Standard Needle included)
2 x Coravin™ Capsules (pressurized argon gas)
1 x Coravin Screw Cap