Véraison Explained in Less Time than it Would Take to Drink Half a Glass of Yummy Vino!

When the Colour Starts to Change we Know Vintage is Just Around the Corner!

Around this time of the year the grapes start to change colour & begin to soften. For red varieties the change is from green to red, and, for white, green to yellow.

This point of the growth cycle is known by the French term véraison, rippening, and is marked by the point when 50% of the berries have changed colour.

A single perry on a Pinot bunch changes colour by Stuart Proud

Over the next 6-8 weeks sugars accumulate, flavour & aroma build, acid levels drop, tannins ripen & then we pick tasty bunches of grapes to turn into yummy wine.

You can see the difference in degree of véraison, bunch sizes, and bunches with “chicken & hen” big & small berries on the one bunch!

Pinot bunches showing varying degrees of véraison by Stuart Proud

These bunches will be weighed and combined with bunch counts to help Stuart estimate yields and make informed decision around things like crop thinning to ensure fruit of quality ends up in our wine!

This Pinot is from the same vineyard that the Wine Decoded Bathtub Shiraz comes from!

For more from the vineyard checkout our interview with Stuart Proud, grower, of the Wine Decoded Shiraz!

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