The Sommelier is Dead, Long Live Rob Higgs!! A Fantasmagorical Creation

Creativity & passion, like an alien, has inseminated Rob Higgs‘ brain! He has given birth to a fantasmagorical creation. It is the replacement for the Sommelier!

Creativity & passion, like an alien, has inseminated Rob Higgs‘ brain! He has given birth to a fantasmagorical creation. It is the replacement for the Sommelier!

Bronze corkscrew, original is made from any old iron I found, 3/4 tonne, 382 moving parts, hand cranked with clockwork pouring mechanism. 3 years head scratching hard work.finished 2006. Limited edition here created in bronze by One of One Hundred.
I want people to interact with and get the maximum enjoyment from it and you can only get the maximum enjoyment if you’ve put effort in and you’ve had a physical connection with it

Wow! I’m guessing as a kid, Rob Higgs, loved lego! Stephen Fry’s Gadget Man review is the second of the videos below. If you want the complete story check out One of One. For more inventions from the will Wonka of mechanics take a gander at his Vimeo profile … and alright … the Sommelier isn’t really dead .. yet.

Featured Image for this post by LEANNE DIXON

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